30 Days of GEEK

Thanks to @CyrisXD I am going to give this a go – thats right, #30DaysOfGeek.

Over the years I think I have been pretty cautious in what information I publish about myself on the net. It’s only in the last 8 months I have joined up to Twitter, and changed my profile settings on Facebook to allow anyone to find me – so to do something like this is quite a step out of my normal comfort zone. But I figure I am not getting any younger and you only live once so why not.

Whats #30DaysOfGeek involve? Basically, posting a new blog entry each day for a month (being April) on the following subjects:

  1. Day 01 – Why do you consider yourself a geek?
  2. Day 02 – Preferred programming language?
  3. Day 03 – What does your day job involve?
  4. Day 04 – Greatest application written to date.
  5. Day 05 – Quick nifty hacks you’re proud of
  6. Day 06 – Primary geek fuel (snacks/drinks)
  7. Day 07 – Preferred smartphone platform. And which do you use?
  8. Day 08 – Preferred method of communication with humans
  9. Day 09 – What OS/distribution do you run?
  10. Day 10 – Picture, screenshot and specifications of your primary computer.
  11. Day 11 – Favourite hacking environment – music, light, seating, etc
  12. Day 12 – What area do you want to expand your skills into?
  13. Day 13 – How did you become such a geek? Career? Personal interest?
  14. Day 14 – Favourite computer conference?
  15. Day 15 – Earliest geek experience
  16. Day 16 – First computer you’ve ever owned & your favourite ever.
  17. Day 17 – Post a useful HOWTO to solve a challenge you’ve come across recently.
  18. Day 18 – Most cringe-worthy geek moment
  19. Day 19 – Most hated computing environment.
  20. Day 20 – Where do you stand on Internet Censorship?
  21. Day 21 – Favourite thing & worst things about working in IT?
  22. Day 22 – Release some software under an open source license that you haven’t released before.
  23. Day 23 – Post a review of an application that you use.
  24. Day 24 – How do you feel about Open Source vs Proprietary software?
  25. Day 25 – Microsoft – friend, foe or other?
  26. Day 26 – Apple – friend, foe or other?
  27. Day 27 – Fix a bug in some open source software and commit the patch
  28. Day 28 – How many computers lying about the house?
  29. Day 29 – Looking back (at geek life), would you have done anything differently?
  30. Day 30 – Where do you see technology advancing in the next 20 years – and where will you fit in?

Some are going to be easy, some are going to be a bit more challenging, and some are going to be dam neigh impossible, but Ill give it my best shot!



Geek Lingerie


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